Special Needs Adults Go Wild for Palm Beach Zoo
Monday, March 20, 2023
Rachel Arvelo, GL Homes Senior Director of Community Relations Sarah Alsofrom, GL Homes Operations Manager Brad Wall and Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County Case Manager Jessica Kelson
Photo credit: Capehart
It was the perfect day for a guided tour of the Palm Beach Zoo for a group of developmentally challenged young adults, some of whom had never visited a zoo. A Lorikeet feeding with nectar cups was the tour highlight. The Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County’s clients were able to ask questions and learn about an array of wild animals: elegant pink flamingos, sleepy black bears, a stealth panther, an albino alligator and playful river otters.
GL Homes organized this interactive experience for the Legal Aid Society’s Guardian Advocacy Project (GAP) clients. GAP clients range in age from 26 to 32 years old. Many of them aged out of the foster care system and but for the Legal Aid Society, they would be homeless. Legal Aid Society, a nonprofit organization, serves as the health surrogate and legal guardian for these adults.
Since 2017, GL Homes has hosted the Legal Aid Society GAP clients at many interactive activities including golf lessons, bowling, swimming lessons, cooking classes and equine therapy.
Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County
The Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County is committed to providing high quality civil legal advice, representation and education to the disadvantaged of Palm Beach County in order to protect their personal safety, enhance their opportunities and living conditions, and promote self-sufficiency.